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美國摩爾廣場(chǎng)景觀(guān)設計 | sasaki

SASAKI 2021-06-09
原創(chuàng )
  • 項目名稱(chēng):
  • 項目地點(diǎn):
  • 項目規模:
    1.8 公頃
  • 設計公司:
  • 委托方:
  • 建成時(shí)間:
  • 圖片來(lái)源:
    Tzu Chen, Matthew Arielly


For over two centuries, Moore Square has persisted as an urban green space of tree canopy and turf providing a mix of shady and sunny places to gather and recreate, to see and be seen. Like all great public squares, the 4.5 acre park has evolved over time to fulfill the changing needs of the City of Raleigh. Its character of continuity lies in its persistent use as a public space.


View from above ? Tzu Chen

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摩爾廣場(chǎng)的歷史可追溯到兩個(gè)多世紀之前。1792年,羅利市成為北卡州首府,同年,擁有測量師背景的參議員威廉?克里斯馬斯(William Christmas)獲國會(huì )推舉為這座新城定制土地和街道規劃方案,他從400多公頃的林地選取了當中160公頃進(jìn)行開(kāi)發(fā),并參考了費城的規劃格局,按幾何網(wǎng)格布置羅利市的城市肌理。在當年眾多規劃舉措中,保留至今的只剩下摩爾廣場(chǎng)、納什廣場(chǎng)和國會(huì )大廈廣場(chǎng),這些場(chǎng)地都是美國建國初期重要的市鎮規劃案例。

In 1792, the same year Raleigh was founded as North Carolina’s capital city, the General Assembly chose Senator William Christmas, a surveyor, to envision the lots and streets of the new capital. Christmas laid out 400 acres of city fabric through 1,000 acres of woodland, in a geometric grid which emulated the plan of Philadelphia. Moore Square, along with Nash Square and Capitol Square, is one of three remaining squares originally planned by Christmas and, as such, it is a significant example of early American town planning. 


Geometric grid of the city ? Tzu Chen 

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While an enduring greensward, Moore Square’s landscape forms, spaces and surfaces have evolved over time. This evolution has occurred in response to changes in the character and use of the urban context—the surrounding blocks and buildings. As the area evolved from a residential to a commercial district, from an agricultural trading center to a vital business and commercial district including Raleigh’s African American main street during the Jim Crow era, the Square transformed the way vernacular landscapes do—incrementally, gradually, and often through a series of ad hoc measures.


Enduring greensward in the square ? Barrett Doherty

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In recent years, frequent large scale events and daily use have taken their toll on the parks vegetation, soils and paving. This pressure, combined with the planned development in the surrounding neighborhood, has prompted the City to renovate the square to meet the changing needs of its users. Sasaki has worked with the City, public stakeholders and a team of technical experts to develop a consensus-driven plan for the square.


Design aims to meet the changing needs of its users ? MTA

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設計方案利用 “方籃”策略,對廣場(chǎng)的歷史布局加以保護和強化:開(kāi)放式中央露天空間的四邊將種滿(mǎn)高大的遮陰樹(shù),如同一個(gè)綠意滿(mǎn)溢的邊框;廣場(chǎng)的與街道相接一側的人行道將會(huì )拓寬,同時(shí)增建寬敞的入口廣場(chǎng)和一排排花崗巖矮墻座位,這不僅為了滿(mǎn)足使用者要求,加強廣場(chǎng)和相鄰街區的連接,也讓廣場(chǎng)顯得更高雅端莊;廣場(chǎng)南側的路邊停車(chē)位會(huì )被移除,以寬廣的長(cháng)形廣場(chǎng)取代,農夫市場(chǎng)和社區活動(dòng)日后可在這里舉行;各個(gè)十字路口的形態(tài)也得到重新設計,通過(guò)壓縮路口寬度以提升行人過(guò)路安全。

The proposed design protects and strengthens the square’s historic configuration: a frame of large shade trees enclosing an open, sunny central space. At the street edge, where users requested greater connectivity to the adjacent blocks, the design features a “dignified frame” of widened sidewalks, granite seat walls, and spacious entry plazas. On-street parking has been removed along the square’s southern edge to create a wide linear plaza that will host future farmers markets and other community events. Bump-outs have been added at all crosswalks to make pedestrian access to the square safer. 


 Open and sunny central space ? Tzu Chen

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▼有座椅的小型聚會(huì )空間

Gathering spaces with seats ? MTA

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The grand oak trees surrounding the square, some of which are over 200 years old, are the park’s defining feature. The design protects the trees by limiting foot traffic within their critical root zones. This achieved through judicious placement of pedestrian paths, and a combination of low rails and groundcover planting to dissuade people from leaving the paths. Where gaps in the tree perimeter exist, or will likely develop in the next 30 years, new trees will be planted to ensure the frame remains intact.


Foot traffic is limited within the root zones of the grand oak tree ? MTA

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在廣場(chǎng)范圍內,通行流線(xiàn)在沿用多年的X形基礎上發(fā)展,其中一條新建的外緣路徑,讓訪(fǎng)客有機會(huì )圍繞中央草坪休閑漫步。中央草坪經(jīng)重整后,帶來(lái)靈活而開(kāi)放的社區空間,適合用作季節性大型節目場(chǎng)地。整個(gè)草坪從西北到東南形成平緩的坡地,儼如一座綠意環(huán)抱的圓形劇場(chǎng)。三個(gè)昵稱(chēng)為“格羅夫客房 (Grove Rooms)”的小型聚會(huì )空間被樹(shù)木保護區所圍繞,藝術(shù)家布拉德?戈德堡(Brad Goldberg)設計的石墻坐席擺設其中,散發(fā)獨有氣氛。

In the interior of the square, circulation follows an historic X pattern, with a new perimeter path creating a promenade encircling the central lawn. The lawn has been engineered to meet the community’s demand for flexible open space, as well occasional need for larger gatherings. The entire lawn has a gentle pitch from northwest to southeast to create an amphitheater effect.  Three small gathering spaces, nicknamed “Grove Rooms,” are tucked within the tree frame. These feature stone seating elements design be artist Brad Goldberg.


The central lawn as a flexible open space ? MTA

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▼昵稱(chēng)“格羅夫客房 (Grove Rooms)”的小型聚會(huì )空間

Gathering spaces nicknamed “Grove Rooms”? Barrett Doherty

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▼藝術(shù)家布拉德?戈德堡(Brad Goldberg)設計的石墻坐席

Stone seating elements design by artist Brad Goldberg? MTA

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摩爾廣場(chǎng)東南角是星羅棋布公共設施群,當中以多用途的市民廣場(chǎng)為軸心,朝向西面的互動(dòng)噴泉立于其中,把午后以至黃昏的陽(yáng)光映照得閃閃生輝,一排排遮陰樹(shù)和靈活坐席則可以滿(mǎn)足附近居民各種各樣的戶(hù)外活動(dòng)需求。開(kāi)敞透光的藤蔓架把市民廣場(chǎng)南側點(diǎn)綴,也發(fā)揮凝聚社區的功能,藤蔓架中央的一座小亭樓容納了咖啡廳、公共衛生間和儲存空間,其設計受本地建筑風(fēng)格啟發(fā),在外立面呈現石材、木材和金屬三種原生材料。摩爾廣場(chǎng)設有無(wú)障礙游樂(lè )區,其設計主題使人想起廣域山麓地區的材質(zhì)和地形特色。

The southeast corner of the square is home to a constellation of public amenities anchored by a flexible civic plaza. The plaza features an interactive fountain which faces west to capture afternoon sunlight. The plaza also includes flexible seating and shade trees to address the neighborhood’s need for flexible outdoor social spaces. The sense of social space is reinforced by an open, airy trellis which frames the plaza’s southern edge. A small pavilion at the center of the trellis contains a café, public restrooms and storage. Inspired by the vernacular architecture of the region, the pavilion fa?ade foregrounds three native materials: stone, wood and metal. Lastly, the square includes an accessible play area designed to evoke the materials and topography of the broader piedmont region.


Interactive fountain? MTA

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A small pavilion contains a café, public restrooms and storage ? MTA

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The sense of social space reinforced by the square ? MTA

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規模:1.8 公頃

攝影:Tzu Chen, Matthew Arielly



現況: 2019完成

Client: City of Raleigh

Location: Raleigh, NC

Size: 4.5 acres

Photography: Tzu Chen, Matthew Arielly, Barrett Doherty

Services: Civil Engineering, Landscape Architecture

Additional Services: Interior Design, Planning and Urban Design, Architecture

Status: Completed 2019








